Emeritus Professor Thomas S. Harrington - The Worldwide Milgram Experiment

The Discernable Interviews

Emeritus Professor Thomas S. Harrington - The Worldwide Milgram Experiment

1hr 11min

11 July 2022

Thomas Harrington, Senior Scholar at the Brownstone Institute, is an essayist and Professor Emeritus of Hispanic Studies at Trinity College in Hartford (USA) where he taught for 24 years. He joins Discernable to discuss what appears to be a worldwide repeat of the infamous Milgram experiment where ordinary people are pushed to commit extraordinary atrocities by authority figures.

As an expert in the formation of identity, culture and language he often sheds light on the rhetorical ‘framing’ techniques used to influence broad populations. An example of is the rise of modern ‘Nudge Units’ within governments known by various names such as ‘Behavioural Insights Unit’ et al. The Professor believes that once a suitably convincing ‘frame’ is established, a subject can be made to accept any proposition contained within that frame even if that proposition is antithetical to the frame itself.

This demonstrates the immense power and danger of ‘framing’ techniques employed by politicians and corporations throughout the globe to achieve their desired end. Thomas shows how this was successfully deployed to recruit a pliant population of ‘police citizens’ or ‘karens’ who zealously enforce the policies and propaganda of governments beyond what is legally stipulated and into the realm of cultural norms.

In this discussion we also looked at identity making vs decision making, the religious impulse of humans and what can replace it in a secular age, the reliability of rationalism and science and parallel societal structures.


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Alex Washburne: 'Fauci Trees' That Kill the Saplings of Science

The Discernable Interviews

Alex Washburne: 'Fauci Trees' That Kill the Saplings of Science

1hr 33min

10 July 2022

Alex Washburne has undergraduate degrees in biology and applied mathematics from University of New Mexico and a PhD from a Princeton University studying competition in ecological, epidemiological, and economic systems. He’s actively researched COVID epidemiology, the economic impacts of pandemic policy, and stock + capital market responses to epidemiological news.

In this interview we explored:

  • Covid-19 policy monism in a world of plurality
  • How decentralisation and competition can create better solutions
  • The strangling of new ideas by powerful incumbents
  • The desire to kill anything that is ‘not the same’ as you
  • The intolerance of some scientific fields
  • Predictions of endemicity and profitable stocks


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Sam Russell: The Realities of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and NFTs

The Discernable Interviews

Sam Russell: The Realities of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and NFTs

1hr 33min

7 July 2022

Sam Russell is the founder of Klef and has spent years working with blockchain technologies. Having seen the rise (and fall) of so many blockchains he joins Discernable to explain how to make sense of cryptocurrencies and NFTs.


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Jab Injuries Australia - Real Australians Tell Their Stories of Post-Vaccine Injury

The Discernable Interviews

Jab Injuries Australia - Real Australians Tell Their Stories of Post-Vaccine Injury


28 June 2022

Many Australians have experienced injury after a Covid-19 vaccination and had their cases sidelined, minimised or ignored. jab_injuries_australia has carefully curated a feed and a community that puts the spotlight purely on the victims and their stories…not on the science and not on the politics.

Ultimately we are witnessing the creation of a qualitative dataset that documents what others refuse to document, and what some pages sensationalise for their own political agendas.

Matt from Jab Injuries Australia joined Matt from Discernable to explain the types of stories that are being sent to him, the pushback he’s received, and the patterns evident in their data. Discernable was also interested in exploring motivations, dangers of censorship, false reports of injury, and conflicts of interest.


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Tim Cudmore: Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury and Predicting the Future

The Discernable Interviews

Tim Cudmore: Living with a Traumatic Brain Injury and Predicting the Future

1hr 41min

27 June 2022

Tim Cudmore suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in childhood and now lives with a unique brain structure. Tim is sought out by organisations and government departments in a consulting capacity to understand human behaviours and lived experiences.

In this interview Tim shared his thoughts on behavioural foundations in humans, and how he extrapolates those observations to make future predictions. We then went on a deep dive into a horror flu season in the southern hemisphere, the next world war, and athletes collapsing on the field.

Along the way, Matt challenged Tim to substantiate the logic behind his predictions and explored the realities of addiction and childhood trauma.


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Kirsten Finger: 20 Year Registered Nurse and Paramedic Goes from Hero to Zero

The Discernable Interviews

Kirsten Finger: 20 Year Registered Nurse and Paramedic Goes from Hero to Zero

1hr 17min

25 June 2022

Kirsten is a 20 year veteran in the Victorian health system. Her dream was always to become a paramedic, and after 7 years as a registered nurse in critical care she achieved her goal and went on to serve as a paramedic for a further 13 years.

In late 2021 she was given an impossible choice – submit to Ambulance Victoria’s vaccination mandate for Covid-19 and risk serious consequences due to her pre-existing medical condition, or be fired from the organisation that she loved.

Leading up to the launch of Covid-19 vaccinations in Australia, Kirsten chose to undertake additional training to be ready to assist in the vaccine rollout but despite 20 years of dedication and passion, her termination was cold and sudden.

This is her story.


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Kate Wand - The Planned Collapse of the Old World

The Discernable Interviews

Kate Wand - The Planned Collapse of the Old World

1hr 12min

23 June 2022

Canadian social commentator Kate Wand joins Discernable to discuss the decline of old world values and systems in favour of a ‘Brave New World’ where human autonomy is sacrificed in pursuit of a utopia dreamed up by societal elites and bankers.

Her creative work in Canada interviewing prominent figures and producing short films highlights historical similarities between the current moment and dark periods in history.

Her work is of unusually high quality and intellectual depth and therefore comes highly recommended by Discernable.


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Tom Goodwin: We Are Addicted to New Technology

The Discernable Interviews

Tom Goodwin: We Are Addicted to New Technology

1hr 11min

21 June 2022

Why are humans so addicted to new technology? We race to embrace that latest technological development even when it makes a task more difficult. We ignore the inefficiency we just created whilst marvelling at our engineering prowess!

Tom Goodwin points out and corrects these errors in judgement in his work as a consultant, speaker, author and presenter to organisations where the C Suite are at risk of burning resources on adolescent implementations of technology. In a way it’s understandable because being more outlandish is the only way futurists and technologists gain enough attention and they have captured boardrooms of companies everywhere.

Tom has a foundational belief of ‘human first’ and in this discussion we explored:

  • The attraction of technological hyperbole
  • Media is geared for attention seeking and outrage
  • Commonwealth countries resist following the USA into divisive politics
  • The road-centric society
  • When a technology succeeds too rapidly
  • Techno geeks and their brains that took over the world
  • Building empathy into technology
  • Restaurants that ruin themselves with technology
  • Covid-19 excuses in call centres
  • Are cryptocurrencies just technological indulgences?
  • Elon Musk’s enormous ego and dedication to free speech
  • Twitter is not a traditional ‘public square’
  • The New Normal
  • The pandemic lasted for different lengths of time for different people
  • Questioning reality – are we all just Sims?
  • The importance of working in an office (not from home)
    Fashionable ‘tolerance’
  • Beauty, difference and class structures


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Clive spent $100m for what?! Julian Fayad explains the UAP result.

The Discernable Interviews

Clive spent $100m for what?! Julian Fayad explains the UAP result.


16 June 2022

What exactly did Clive Palmer get for his near $100m spend on the Australian Federal Election?

In this interview we explore:

  • Craig Kelly’s failure to be re-elected
  • Clive Palmer’s failure to be elected to QLD’s senate
  • $100m burned without a seat to show for it
  • Labelling UAP and minor party voters as ‘deplorables’
  • The political momentum that is not going away

Julian Fayad thrived in software development in his teens and after working in finance as an adult he saw innovation possibilities for artificial intelligence. He now has multiple businesses operating in the world of data science, artificial intelligence and finance, all while living in Western Sydney.

Julian breaks the Legacy Media narrative of UAP candidates and supporters being ‘low information voters’ or ‘deplorables’ manipulated by Clive Palmer’s simple slogans and promises. There is clearly a new political momentum forming in Australian politics and whilst proven to be a minority at the recent election, it is a momentum that is not going away as professionals such as Julian join the ranks.


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Deep Dive into Christianity with Gabriel Finochio

The Discernable Interviews

Deep Dive into Christianity with Gabriel Finochio

1hr 31min

14 June 2022

Gabriel Finochio is a Christian Bible teacher and founder of Theos University – the Netflix of Biblical study. More importantly, he is bringing hope to the world as the founder of multiple meme pages such as @wokejesuschrist that take aim at the decline of western culture as it embraces relativism, post-modernism, wokeism and deconstructionism.

In this conversation we covered:

  • The demise of western churches
  • The step of faith for Christianity to work
  • Christianity as a psychedelic practice
  • Self-evident truth (Romans 1) vs transcendental revelation
  • Original sin, actual sin and the cycle of trying to stop sin
  • Salvation for the sinless? Foucault, Nietzsche and the ‘insane asylum’ of power
  • Pride Month – it’s not about sexuality
  • Irrational slogans and body mutilation
  • ‘What is a woman?’
  • The sin of Satan
  • The greatest 2 sins of all
  • The purpose of hell
  • Thinking your way through religion
  • Innovative Theology
  • Hillsong – disembodied faith
  • C3 ‘miracle offerings’
  • The Christian response to authoritarian governments (Romans 13)
  • The morality of vaccine mandates
  • Christians breaking laws


1) The Vaccine is not “Loving”

The notion that a Christian ought to receive the vaccine because it is “loving” is a common lie used to manipulate the Church into compliance. The classic theological definition of love, as St. Thomas Aquinas has affirmed, is to will the good of another. In light of that definition, the vaccine has not proven itself to be an absolute good. Therefore the primary reason for Christians to reject the vaccine is that it is not good. Moreover, when Christ commands: “love your neighbor”, he adds “as yourself” (Matt. 22:39). And so we see that we are not only required to love, but we are required to love in an order that begins with God (Matt. 22:37), and then ourselves, and then our neighbor. So if we discern that the vaccine is not good for ourselves, we have good reason to believe it is harmful for our neighbor. As for the reasons why it is harmful, I shall briefly examine them next.

2) The Vaccine Participates in Abortion

I believe Abortion is the greatest political evil of our time, and I have written my reasoning for that conviction elsewhere, but the fact is that every vaccine created to combat COVID 19 (moderna, Pfizer, astra Zeneca, novavax and J&J) has derived all of its research from a late term baby that was murdered by being vivisected for its tissues and then discarded as waste. If that baby was Anne Frank we would all be disgusted and protest against the anti-semitism of using a Jewish baby. If that baby was vivisected by Dr. Josef Mengele we would all protest the association with Nazi’s. But for some reason the fact that the baby was aborted doesn’t seem to bother us. But it should. By participating in a vaccine derived from abortion we are perpetuating abortion-based research, and, what is worse, we are associating ourselves with the satanic sacrifice of children for the benefit of our own health. Instead of heroically sacrificing ourselves for the least of these, we are sacrificing the least of these for ourselves. Instead of dying as the martyrs, we are killing the martyrs. Instead of sieging the gates of hell, we are opening them, to a demonic and eugenic future of children born to die for the undying life of a vampire vaccine.

3) The Vaccine is not a Vaccine

Without getting too deep into the technical aspects of the vaccine, the vaccine is a serum used to manipulate genes in the body so that they produce more protein. This new practice is known as a gene therapy. Traditional vaccines (also known as any official vaccine administered before this one) do not use that method. Traditional vaccines induce the production of antibodies, which confer a specific resistance against infections (viral, bacterial, etc). So what we’re dealing with is a so-called “vaccine” which previously did not qualify as a vaccine, but which now does because certain global organizations have recently changed their definition of what a vaccine is. But they are lying to the public about their medical practices, and the safety of that public is in question. If a traditional vaccine produced the kind of side-effects known to accompany the COVID “vaccine”, it would be banned from production until further notice. But apparently blood clots, heart attacks, immune-deficiencies, miscarriages, even as short-term side effects are not enough to cause caution in the authorities promoting and distributing it. In less than a year, there have been more American deaths linked to the so-called COVID “vaccine” than all the deaths from the previous thirty years of vaccines combined.

4) The Vaccine is not Effective

The continual research shows that the “vaccine” is not effective against the disease it is trying to prevent. One would assume that the infection would radically decline in a population where the majority of people are vaccinated, like Israel or the Netherlands. But that’s not what has happened. Infections in those places are still growing. The only place where infections are not growing is where people have a natural immunity to the virus, which is something we’ve known about infectious disease well before the emergence of the COVID virus. Furthermore, the fact that we are noticing this kind of disparity in results points to the fact that the “vaccine” is experimental, a disturbing thought. It is the kind of dizzying vision which would inspire the dystopian fiction of an Orwellian writer that the world has been transformed into a laboratory for the experimental research of scientists. We have become lab rats locked down in cages, instead of medical patients with rights to protest malpractice.

5) The Vaccine Mandate Is Contrary to Christian Moral Teaching

It is a self-evident principle of the moral order that men are made by God for freedom. America has inscribed this piece of common sense (otherwise called Natural Law) in its political creed — the Declaration of Independence. The Christian moral order does not refute that men were made for freedom, rather, it tenaciously agrees and only adds that the greatest freedom is the freedom, not of the merely natural realm, but of the supernatural realm. Christianity asserts that a man can be a king to men yet still be a slave to sin; which is why the Church has always brought its kings to their knees, as St. Ambrose did to Emperor Theodosius. And the Church still speaks to our modern rulers when it says, “Theodosius is not Theos.”

But aside from that minor protest, Christianity joins the chorus of those reasonable souls that assert the perennial philosophy of freedom by saying that a citizen should never be forced to take medicine, be it a vaccine or any other drug. Christian orthodoxy teaches that it is immoral to violate the intrinsic freedom of a citizen by compelling them to act against their conscience. That is why religious exemptions exist within a just political order, and why religious objections should exist within the new unjust world order created by this “vaccine”. But the Christian should not only protest the coercion, but also the propaganda, bullying, persecution, and tyranny of the government against the common good of its citizens. The true Church teaches that to love our neighbor through COVID is to protest against the violation of their rights, which, when taken to its logical conclusion, would turn them from a citizen into a slave.

Content authored and submitted by our guests are faithfully published here but do not necessarily represent the views of Discernable.


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