'He May Be a Prick' but He's Our Prick: The Statistical Reality of the Victorian Election
Discernable® Editorials
'He May Be a Prick' but He's Our Prick: The Statistical Reality of the Victorian Election
Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Matt Wong
Chief Writer

If you walked into 10 Victorians this morning, statistically, 3.7 voted Labor, 3.5 voted Liberal, 1.1 voted Green and 1.7 voted Other. On the street at least, it is most definitely not wall-to-wall #IStandWithDan Luvvies.
Daniel Andrews did however secure a strong win for the Labor Party in Victoria based on seats. The swing against Labor was commensurate with what any 3rd term government could expect. Which is quite a feat considering the corruption scandals and constant media haranguing across media (including by us).
The anti-Dan wave was a gentle tide that saw Greens and Victorian Socialists pick up a lot more support.
A small fraction of disaffected Labor conservatives ended up with the DLP and much of the Liberal Party’s conservative base losses went to Family First or freedom parties.
The Greens and Teals stole support from both Labor and Liberal and deserve congratulations on being consistent performers at elections, no matter what you think of their policies or principles.
The Nationals performed exceptionally well and looks like the Libs were a drag on the Nationals. Many conservative Liberal types will point to the Nats as evidence why a return to unabashed classical stances is the path to electoral victory.
Inside the Liberal Party however discussions must be centering around ‘buck the trend’ gains like James Newbury in Brighton which will inevitably drag the party left, to keep pace with what we must all admit now is Australian culture.
Yes it’s inner city, but the trend over multiple elections in multiple states and federally says that Australia is racing left (we can argue over the merits of that another time).
On a seat basis Labor retains a similar lower house make up. Massive chunks of support were sliced off Labor in its exceptionally safe seats in the North and West without actually flipping seats.
Victoria has spoken loudly that it is not particularly critical of Daniel Andrews’ handling of the pandemic, the health system crisis, the debt or corruption scandals.
The left wing of the Labor Party secured a solid victory, and should be congratulated. It retains and entrenches incredible levels of control in the public sector, in the social culture of Victoria, and in the Labor party itself.
Socialist Left faction Labor strategy appears to be a winning brand of politics in Victoria.
Now many already accuse the result of being unrepresentative when a primary vote in the 30s forms government, and the leader of that government makes such sweeping statements and Overton Window shifts to redefine a new centre. Yes it is unrepresentative, but it would also be the case if the Liberals won.
This is clearly Daniel’s party, Daniel’s state and Daniel’s story, even though of the 10 people you meet on the street, only 3.7 directly voted for him.
He is a masterful politician.
He is so skilled that he has many convinced he is a ‘uniter’, even as he spews invective at Victorians in his victory speech!
The very people he claims to give no thought to were high on his mind as he made scientific health claims ‘Vaccines work!’ and singled out anyone who was unvaccinated.
This makes no sense in a victory speech over his rivals the Liberals and Nationals who are statistically all vaccinated anyway (Victoria is about 90% double dosed over 18 with varying but high levels of triple dosed).
It is also eerily reminiscent of dark days, for those of us who have survived traumatic abuse at the hands of trusted authority figures. The feeling of being told we are ‘imagining things’ as we are beaten for our own good and told we are ‘loved’ is all too familiar.
It would have been much more productive to simply say ‘We may have gotten some things wrong, but our heart overall is to govern for all Victorians. No matter who you voted for, you matter to me and I will be a leader you can rely on no matter your choices in life’.
So whilst Daniel’s direct vote does not reflect the sweeping tone he employs in all of his statements, nor the shrieks by #IStandWithDan Luvvies on Twitter, Victorians quietly approve – or at least allow – Daniel’s vision for Victoria.
It seems the CFMEU may have nailed the tone: ‘Dan may be a prick’ but he’s our prick.
Now, we must take collective responsibility for what Victoria is, and will become, both good and bad.
Even if 4 out of 10 people on the street might hate what happened last night.
Victorian Election 2022 LIVE Coverage
Discernable® News and Editorials
Victorian Election 2022 LIVE Coverage
4hr 59min
This is our LIVE coverage of the 2022 Victorian Election.
Joined in studio by Ken Phillips from Self Employed Australia, Anka Sahin from True Blue Migration, and Gideon Rozner from the Institute for Public Affairs.
Brought to you by our major sponsor: Square Root who provide online maths tutoring in groups and private classes. Send them an email (info@squareroot.com.au) to start discussing what your child needs help with!
Support our Live Election coverage at https://discernable.locals.com/support
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Pre-Election Livestream BOLD Predictions by my Panel for Victoria
Discernable® News and Editorials
Pre-Election Livestream BOLD Predictions by my Panel for Victoria
Joined in studio by Mulgrave candidates Ian Cook and Premier Daniel Andrews, we go over the bold predictions by our election panel on what will happen in Victoria, and where the key upsets will occur.
Matt also dives into the Labor and Liberal policy websites comparing the psychological approach of each. The Labor website treats voters incredibly differently from the Liberal website and represents how each party sees the electorate.
All Grown Up – Discernable finds a new home!
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Escaping Melbourne for Sydney
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Canada: It’s For Your Own Good
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Microsoft: How to Woke
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The Origin of Human Rights and Self Determination with Human Rights Lawyer Peter Fam
The Discernable Interviews
The Origin of Human Rights and Self Determination with Human Rights Lawyer Peter Fam
2hr 1min
Peter Fam is a human rights lawyer from Sydney, Australia. He believes that today’s society has become detached from the principles our species has upheld and respected for thousands of years.
We took a particularly deep dive into the origin of human rights, natural law and how that is evolving in today’s post-modern society that is reimagining the human rights landscape. It forced us to ask deep epistemological questions to trace the authority of self-determination and the origin of truth.
Watch the full interview at:
We discussed:
- Fasting and food shortages
- Human rights law based in ancient Egyptian society
- Greco-Roman natural law
- Society’s attempt to enshrine natural law
- When governments create exceptions to human rights
- Can human rights ever be granted?
- Post modernism and the erosion of natural rights
- Vaccine mandates and human rights
- Australian peer pressure and its convict past
- Contact tracing through Woolworths supermarket loyalty cards
- Privacy as a lightning rod for human rights
- Schools requiring fingerprints to enter bathrooms
- Australians don’t value human rights
- Collapse in trust for medical system
- Parallel systems always arise under absolutism
- Lockdown attitudes are not sustainable
- The psychotic on both sides who are consumed by fear
- The crash that western societies must have
- The inevitable collapse of societies when human rights are trampled
- Blue Zones on earth
- Lifespan vs Healthspan
- Empires that succeed – the British Empire?
- The longest human society – the Indigenous Australia
- How should we measure human ‘success’?
- Objective truth and human values
- Self-determination a modern cross-cultural value, aka ‘Free will’
- What normal people want – comfort
- Useless international conventions on human rights
- When only 10% of population dissent, societies change
- The fires that bring renewal
- How to survive long cycles
- Is there a God?
- Doesn’t take long for bad times to change anymore
- Human rights cases in Australia
- Legal actions claiming false imprisonment in hotel quarantine
- The High Court ‘Australian Babies Case’
- Mehdi Ali, the lying refugee
- Why the left wing refuse to interview
Mulgrave Candidate Aidan McLindon: 'Jobs, Homes, Families'
The Discernable Interviews
Mulgrave Candidate Aidan McLindon: 'Jobs, Homes, Families'
1hr 38min
Aidan McLindon was an elected Liberal politician in Queensland before establishing The Queensland Party, merging with Katter’s Australian Party. He now lives in Victoria and is running for the Freedom Party of Victoria in the seat of Mulgrave against Premier Daniel Andrews.
We discussed:
- Why Aidan has been involved in so many different political parties in Australia
- ‘Jobs, Homes, Families’
- Reclaiming the word ‘freedom’
- Do Australians value freedom?
- The lure of the ‘nanny state’ in Australia
- Who should own Australia’s power and energy production assets?
- Queensland toll roads that milk the public purse
- Who are the candidates of the Freedom Party of Victoria?
- Why the Liberal Demorats (LDP) don’t understand ‘freedom’
- Menzies 2.0
- Parties by Pauline Hanson, Bob Katter, Clive Palmer ‘don’t have longevity’
- The media has trashed the word ‘freedom’
- Parties are capitalising on the word ‘freedom’
- Glen Druery ‘the preference whisperer’
- Refunding all GST for all small business 2023-2024
- Outlawing gender transitions
- Gender dysphoria a symptom of other issues?
- Limiting spending through legislation and copying corporate oversight
- Tax cuts to landlords who keep rents low
- $330 to change a light bulb
- Breaking up the Coles/Woolworths duopoly
- Schools only give students 60min per day of solid education
- Prioritising life skills in school curriculums
- Daniel Andrews’ fake religious signaling
- Hypocrisy of Woke
- Nuclear energy policy
- Why Morgan C Jonas performed poorly in the federal election
- Australians do want freedom but haven’t been offered it
- Who makes up the supporters of the Freedom Party?
- Labor voters turning to the Freedom Party
- Parties knifing themselves internally
- Chances of defeating Premier Daniel Andrews in Mulgrave
- Preferences and deals across Victoria
- Are deals with the devil worth making?
- Aidan McLindon’s attraction to politics
- We need to stop focusing on ourselves and the ‘stuff’ we acquire
A Discernable Dinner with Voice for Victoria
Discernable® News and Editorials
A Discernable Dinner with Voice for Victoria
1hr 39min
Brought to you by SJ Venues, Hopper Motor Group, The Little Environeers and Jagger Watches, this is the pre-election dinner hosted by Discernable and Voice for Victoria.
As well as recording a live episode of the PollieBites podcast, we had an extended panel + audience discussion about the probable outcomes of the 2022 Victorian election.
With special guests Ian Cook (Independent for Mulgrave against Premier Daniel Andrews), Paul Hopper (Independent for Werribee against Treasurer Tim Pallas), Krystle Mitchell (former Acting Senior Sergeant of Victoria Police), and Ken Phillips (Self Employed Australia), watch an extended cut of the evening right here! Warning: Explicit Language
Throughout the show you will notice Matt and Emily wearing stunning timepieces. These were on loan from Jagger Watches who has kindly extended a huge 30% discount to all Discernable viewers. Use the code discernable at checkout to save 30% on your own timepiece at https://jaggerwatches.com
Hopper Motor Group, a family business selling vehicles since 1962, kindly sponsored the evening because they believe in building long term relationships with Victorians, not just customers. They are dealers of Jeep, Fiat, Hyundai, Isuzu Ute, Kia, and Renault. http://www.hoppermotorgroup.com.au
The venue (Cargo Hall, South Wharf) was secured for us by SJ Venues, who provide a free service to find and negotiate your next function. It doesn’t make sense to do it any other way.
Tamieka from Little Environeers is also a proud sponsor, and runs nature playgroups and sustainability drop-off workshops for children aged 0-6 in Melbourne. Embracing all that nature has to offer, Little Environeers does not shrink back from the dirty, the fascinating and the rough and tumble of a real childhood education, blending play and research for your little ones.
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The People's Project Season 6 Episode 20: What's Wrong With Western Australia?
The People's Project
The People's Project Season 6 Episode 20: What's Wrong With Western Australia?
1hr 22min
In this episode of The People’s Project with Comedian Corey White and ‘Lady Liberty’ Kate Fantinel:
We explore the shenanigans of Western Australia’s ‘State Daddy’ Premier Mark McGowan. Why exactly is he so popular? And does he deserve the fame? The panel stacked with West Australians disagrees with Matt who finds McGowan endearing.
We delve into the links between government and big businesses like Fortescue Metal Group (Twiggy Forrest).
Now that Mark McGowan has secured a completely red parliament and the Liberals have only 2 seats, this is what he gets up to.
Immediately after the election win in March 2022 Mark’s police minister Paul Papalia colluded with media to dox law abiding firearm owners, publishing the location of every registered firearm for criminals to steal.
Pandemic powers are enshrined forever in Australia’s first genuine police state – the Police Commissioner holds all authority to use the powers with no ministerial oversight and no accountability to the public (via an election).
We explore the state of comedy in Australia and why the industry is stacked with virtue signaling nonsense that isn’t even funny.
Shop at https://teamhuman.au
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Discuss: ‘Daniel Andrews Will Lose the Next Election’
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Why There Can Be No Pandemic Amnesty
Discernable® News and Editorials
Why There Can Be No Pandemic Amnesty
With so many calls for a ‘covid amnesty’, let’s get one thing clear: amnesty is only for the guilty. So are you finally admitting you screwed us?
This is why there can be no pandemic amnesty.
Thank you to LibsofTikTok for collating many of the news headlines used here. Other news headlines are collected by Discernable, with some original footage and some stock photography used throughout.
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Escaping Melbourne for Sydney
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