Dr Cameron Murray - The Great Housing Hijack
The Discernable Interviews
Dr Cameron Murray - The Great Housing Hijack
1hr 8min
30 March 2024
What is the deal with our obsession with house prices? Is it right that a basic need has been turned into a speculative investment?
Are rocketing house prices real or just inflation by another name?
Property expert Dr Cameron Murray was one of the only economists to correctly predict a 20% surge in house prices would occur during the Covid years. He returned to Discernable to lay out future trajectories of housing prices and rents and explain what we are seeing in 2024.
The Cancelled Professor - Nikolai Petrovsky the Vaccine Inventor
The Discernable Interviews
The Cancelled Professor - Nikolai Petrovsky the Vaccine Inventor
13 March 2024
- Professor Nikolai Petrovsky invented a Covid-19 vaccine.
- He took his own vaccine.
- He was fired and cancelled for refusing and calling out the potential dangers of competing technologies (mRNA).
He has been labelled a conspiracy theorist and an ‘antivaxxer’ in a stunning display of ignorance and doublespeak.