The People's Project with Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya

The People's Project

The People's Project with Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya

1hr 43min

25 September 2022

In this special episode of The People’s Project with Stanford’s Jay Bhattacharya and the Assistant Secretary General (ret.) of the United Nations Professor Ramesh Thakur:

We step through the lockdowns and delve into the science behind the Great Barrington Declaration compared to ‘The ScienceTM’ practised by governments around the world (except Sweden). Jay has some choice words for the unique hell unleashed on Victorians and expertly describes what Public Health as a science actually is and does.

Gladys Berejiklian and Leigh Sales make an appearance to lighten the mood amongst many minutes of Daniel Andrews press sermons…I mean conferences.

Jay definitively explains whether we were ‘following the science’.

Watch the expert panel react to the most egregious of pandemic measures. What will they say when confronted with the absurdities of pandemic policy gone mad?

We explore the anthropomorphisation of Sars-CoV-2 and the circumstances in which exaggeration would be justified in public health messaging.

We embrace our own exaggeration with the fine work of Remix Matrix who reveals the true ambitions of NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian.


Jay takes us into the world of unvaccinated shaming. Should we divide and shame to engender compliance? What does he think of leaders like NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner, and panicked citizens who are boosted up the wazoo but still fear and catch Covid-19?

We have a censored discussion about vaccination effectiveness and whether young people are safer with or without, and the concepts of ‘pandemic of the vaccinated’, ‘pandemic of the boosted’ and natural immunity vs vaccinated immunity.

Finally, the retired Assistant Secretary General to the United Nations explains what we really should worry about when it comes to globalised, centralised power structures like the W.E.F., the U.N. and the W.H.O.






Emeritus Professor Thomas S. Harrington - The Worldwide Milgram Experiment

The Discernable Interviews

Emeritus Professor Thomas S. Harrington - The Worldwide Milgram Experiment

1hr 11min

11 July 2022

Thomas Harrington, Senior Scholar at the Brownstone Institute, is an essayist and Professor Emeritus of Hispanic Studies at Trinity College in Hartford (USA) where he taught for 24 years. He joins Discernable to discuss what appears to be a worldwide repeat of the infamous Milgram experiment where ordinary people are pushed to commit extraordinary atrocities by authority figures.

As an expert in the formation of identity, culture and language he often sheds light on the rhetorical ‘framing’ techniques used to influence broad populations. An example of is the rise of modern ‘Nudge Units’ within governments known by various names such as ‘Behavioural Insights Unit’ et al. The Professor believes that once a suitably convincing ‘frame’ is established, a subject can be made to accept any proposition contained within that frame even if that proposition is antithetical to the frame itself.

This demonstrates the immense power and danger of ‘framing’ techniques employed by politicians and corporations throughout the globe to achieve their desired end. Thomas shows how this was successfully deployed to recruit a pliant population of ‘police citizens’ or ‘karens’ who zealously enforce the policies and propaganda of governments beyond what is legally stipulated and into the realm of cultural norms.

In this discussion we also looked at identity making vs decision making, the religious impulse of humans and what can replace it in a secular age, the reliability of rationalism and science and parallel societal structures.

Kirsten Finger: 20 Year Registered Nurse and Paramedic Goes from Hero to Zero

The Discernable Interviews

Kirsten Finger: 20 Year Registered Nurse and Paramedic Goes from Hero to Zero

1hr 17min

25 June 2022

Kirsten is a 20 year veteran in the Victorian health system. Her dream was always to become a paramedic, and after 7 years as a registered nurse in critical care she achieved her goal and went on to serve as a paramedic for a further 13 years.

In late 2021 she was given an impossible choice – submit to Ambulance Victoria’s vaccination mandate for Covid-19 and risk serious consequences due to her pre-existing medical condition, or be fired from the organisation that she loved.

Leading up to the launch of Covid-19 vaccinations in Australia, Kirsten chose to undertake additional training to be ready to assist in the vaccine rollout but despite 20 years of dedication and passion, her termination was cold and sudden.

This is her story.

Professor Robert Clancy: Covid-19 Narratives, Vaccine Adverse Events, Evidence Based Medicine, the WHO, and Cartography

The Discernable Interviews

Professor Robert Clancy: Covid-19 Narratives, Vaccine Adverse Events, Evidence Based Medicine, the WHO, and Cartography

1hr 7min

4 June 2022

Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM, MBBS(Hons), BSc(Med), PhD, DSc, FRACP, FRCPA, FRS(N) is a practising clinical immunologist with an international reputation for research in autoimmune disease, immunisation and mucosal inflammatory disease. He was Foundation Professor of Pathology at the University of Newcastle, where he established the Newcastle Mucosal Immunology Group, identifying mechanisms of airways protection and the pathogenesis of mucosal disease, and discovered new methods of disease control. He was awarded the first and only Doctor of Science by The University of Newcastle.

Professor Clancy developed the vaccine Broncostat at the University of Newcastle in 1985. The Broncostat vaccine reduces attacks of acute bronchitis to a degree of 90%.

In this interview with Discernable the professor surveys the state of Covid-19 in Australia and notes the discrepancies between the narratives woven about the disease at different times. Zooming out to explore evidence-based medicine, vaccine adverse events and the centralisation of health management by international bureaucracies such as the World Health Organisation, the professor finishes with his love of cartography and thoughts on how we can navigate through an increasingly political and potentially scientifically corrupt moment in the history of medicine.

Professor Gigi Foster Explains Inflation and Cost of Living

The Discernable Interviews

Professor Gigi Foster Explains Inflation and Cost of Living

1hr 1min

18 May 2022

Gigi Foster is a Professor and Director of Education at The School of Economics at UNSW Business School. She holds qualifications in ethics, politics and economics, and joined Discernable for a second time to explain inflation and cost of living.

As the world suffers escalating prices on nearly all goods and services, are we experiencing inflation? Or is this simply market prices reflecting fluctuating supply/demand curves?

Is this a temporary phenomenon caused by supply chain disruption? Or is all the money printing by central banks devaluing our currencies?

This hour is an opportunity to learn what inflation is, how to identify it, what causes it, and what to do about it.

Jacob Mchangama: What is the point of Free Speech?

The Discernable Interviews

Jacob Mchangama: What is the point of Free Speech?

1hr 4min

17 May 2022

Jacob Mchangama is the founder of Justitia, Denmark’s first judicial think tank with a focus on human rights, freedom rights, and the rule of law. A practising attorney for many years, Jacob has become one of the world’s most sought-after and awarded experts on free speech driven by his extensive writing and media work.

His most recent book Free Speech: A History from Socrates to Social Media chronicles the history of that ‘bedrock of democracy’ and has been praised as ‘the best defence of free speech ever made’.

He joined Discernable to explain whether free speech is a luxury or a foundational principle, and who suffers and benefits from free speech. We also looked at research on the Australian perspective of free speech.

Behzad Nikzad: Data Scientist on Bad Modeling and the Religion of Science

The Discernable Interviews

Behzad Nikzad: Data Scientist on Bad Modeling and the Religion of Science

1hr 13min

8 May 2022

Behzad Nikzad is a data scientist with a keen interest in mathematics and data modeling. He lives in Quebec, Canada and has experienced the same historic lockdowns as in Melbourne Australia, but under the Trudeau government. He has noticed the models relied upon for lockdowns becoming ever more ridiculous and unjustifiable and sees a sad demise of the scientific method as a technocratic priesthood emerges.

He has written a book on this phenomenon where large swathes of the population are dazzled and/or suppressed by a ruling elite who claim insurmountable knowledge for the layperson. Just like priests before the printing press being the only ones allowed and capable of reading and interpreting holy texts.

In this conversation he walked me through a retrospective data analysis where I was forced to guess which cities and countries had the strongest restrictions based on their results. We also uncovered absolute irrationality on display by SAGE.

We ran out of time to discuss the parallels to his family’s experience under the Taliban in Afghanistan, so Behzad provided this written account:

My mom was a teacher in Afghanistan. When the Taliban took over our city in 1995 (the first time) they closed schools for all girls. She could no longer work. She was no longer allowed out of the house without a chaperon. Every woman was required to cover their face.

The Taliban justified this by saying that, through mandates such as face coverings, they would build a better society. Anyone who questioned their logic was told that they were being immoral. My mom experienced the citizen-policing that happened then with people telling each other to cover up their faces. If she felt hot under the face covering and pulled it up for a minute, someone would show up to warn her that it was important for her to wear her face covering.

My mom had to relive that trauma as she became policed by her peers for not wearing her face mask. She told me that she once decided to go a very short distance in an indoor space without a mask and that someone yelled at her for it. She said the experience felt eerily similar to her experiences in Afghanistan during the (first) Taliban era.

Assoc Professor Dr Gilbert Berdine: 'It's no longer science, it's a religious cult.'

The Discernable Interviews

Assoc. Professor Dr Gilbert Berdine: 'It's no longer science, it's a religious cult.'


28 April 2022

Dr Gilbert Berdine is an associate professor at Texas Tech University with degrees in chemistry and life sciences from M.I.T. and medicine from Harvard University.

Dr Berdine is a lecturer and attending physician, having treated many patients with Covid-19, as well as a published academic in peer-reviewed journals.

One of the earliest voices to predict the failure of lockdowns, Dr Berdine turns his attention to Australia in this interview to discuss the illusion of lockdown success, the ethics of vaccine mandates, and whether the claim ‘safe and effective’ is valid.

All Grown Up - Discernable finds a new home!

Discernable® News and Editorials

All Grown Up - Discernable finds a new home!


This was the announcement made on social media after much censorship, that we would be moving to our new home right here…!

SOCIALS will serve as a bulletin board only to notify you of our new guest interviews and news shows.

Escaping Melbourne for Sydney

Discernable® News and Editorials

Escaping Melbourne for Sydney


We escaped Melbourne for Sydney! This is what we discovered:

1. Darling Harbour changes and being yelled at
2. Anxiety and PTSD in the supermarket
3. Masks? Community policing each other
4. Don’t check in
5. Tourist vs Resident
6. Best cheap eats in Sydney
7. Political culture Sydney vs Melbourne
8. What they don’t tell you about Sydney vs Melbourne weather
9. Visiting ‘Our’ ABC Headquarters
10. What Victorians talk about in cafes
11. Discernable staying in Melbourne or moving to Sydney?
12. Gold Coast legal win against mandates


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