The People's Project

Twiggy vs Swoop Digital Part 2: Goliath Strikes Back!

19 Minutes

This is a follow up on the David and Goliath story of Swoop Digital vs Twiggy Forrest.

We previously called it ‘a story of theft, dishonesty and moral hypocrisy’ well now we can add aggression. Ray Poole – the founder of Swoop Digital and owner of the registered trademark – has been countersued by the legal team from Twiggy Forrest’s companies.

Ray claims that after our initial expose, Twiggy’s company changed their counterfeit logo within days and then threatened a court order ‘security for costs’ which would force the underdog (Ray) to unfairly stump up a massive sum of cash to proceed. We can confirm that this threat was made, and was made based erroneously on a comment Ray made to us previously that he was ‘putting it all on the line’.

Ray contends that this amounts to a denial of right to litigate, and entrenches the cancer in Australia’s judicial system that reserves justice for the considerably wealthy and nobody else.

Ray’s hope is that Twiggy Forrest himself is not aware of the shady practices of his companies and when it does eventually come to his attention that he will live up to not only his reputation, but the ethical standards that his companies overtly demand on their websites and policy documents.