The Discernable Interviews
Edward Hore: President of Australia Cycle Alliance
1hr 29min
Edward Hore is the founder and President of Australian Cycle Alliance, an organisation that advocates for safe and inclusive riding for anyone who decides to ride a bicycle, for any reason.
We discussed:
0:41 What is the Australian Cycle Alliance?
3:06 Programs to help people start riding
6:45 How popular is riding a bike?
10:20 Drivers vs Cyclists
16:03 When your workmates abuse you when you’re cycling
18:11 Sympathetic driving
21:00 Police attitudes toward cyclists
22:06 Edward and his son attacked by an angry driver
27:07 Dehumanising cyclists
29:40 Cycling makes better drivers
30:48 Bike riding effects on mental health
37:30 The hardest part of any ride
38:30 200km rides and a custard slice
41:40 Recreational riding
47:55 Bike share
48:49 How Matt started cycling
49:28 Getting your first bike
53:10 E-bikes
57:53 Cyclists on the road and in the way?
1:00:20 Shared bike paths and feeder routes
1:06:58 NYC prioritises people over cars
1:09:47 The downsides of cycling
1:12:16 The best way to get potholes fixed
1:18:58 Advocacy for families who have lost loved ones