Discernable® News and Editorials
Dissecting Victoria's Budget with Ryan Smith MP
We looked at Victoria’s Budget and tried to see behind the numbers. Why was it prepared this way? What effect will it have on the community?
We went deep and into the philosophical underpinnings of safety, opportunity and the unknown when it comes to governing a population. I had a revelation about feeling ‘untethered’ by what Ryan was telling me. To be honest it was a little scary and I’m still processing the idea. I suspect a lot of my generation has become accustomed to living in a ‘zoo’ of safety (but not freedom). Joined by my local Member of Parliament Ryan Smith.
02:22 ABC reports on the budget
04:00 Poor management or not enough revenue?
09:00 Throw the money at the problems!
12:40 Giving with one hand and taking with another
19:25 Scaring business and investment away from Victoria
25:25 This budget is designed for individuals, not business, investment or future generations
26:25 The effect on small business
28:08 Economic recovery will be driven by small business, not government programs
32:13 What would Ryan’s budget would have looked like
35:25 The temptation of a patriarchal government
38:06 The aspirational message we need to hear instead
40:30 We should expect more from government
42:20 The Warrandyte area and the Yarra Trails
44:00 Does every MP want to be the boss? Does Ryan?
47:25 What would Ryan do if he were Premier
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